Walking Club
What is our Walking Club about?
It's about getting people who enjoy walking together to explore Sydney. You will have fun and get some exercise along the way.
What sort of walks will we do?
All of our walks will be scenic with information provided at various spots along the way. Some will be in bushland, some will be on the road. All of them will be informative and interesting! We will have a mix of more rigorous walks, along with those that are more scenic and a less hectic pace. All will be approx. half a day depending on the pace of the group as we stop to socialise and eat at the end of every walk. Please be able to be flexible with your time.
Where are we walking?
All over Sydney! We plan to vary the locations to give you some variety and take you to places that you may not have been before.
What are the dates and details?
Dates and details are below and they will be updated two weeks prior to each walk. All details are subject to change without notice and will be updated regularly. If the weather deems the walk unsafe it will be rescheduled to another day. Participants will be notified the day before.
Sun 22 Jan 10am - picnic lunch
Sun 19 Feb 9am - lunch
Sat 18 Mar 4pm - dinner
Sun 16 April 6am - breakfast
Sun 21 May 9am - lunch
Sun 18 Jun 10am - lunch
Sun 23 Jul 9am - lunch
Sun 20 Aug 4pm - dinner
Fri 15 Sep to Sun 17 Sep - weekend away
Sun 22 oct 9am - lunch
Sun 19 Nov 9am - lunch
Sat 16 Dec 4pm - xmas festive dinner
What is the cost?
$20 per person
What do you need to wear and bring?
Comfortable walking clothes / shoes / hat, sunscreen, enough water for several hours, a small backpack (no handbags), your mobile phone in case of emergency, and a snack. We are always near facilities for supplies, unless otherwise notified.